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Childhood Escapades & Other Stories

Childhood Escapades & Other Stories

In a collection of intertwined stories, witness the transformative power of unexpected moments in various settings. "Childhood Escapades" follows the impact of neighbourly kindness on two children, "Echoes of Change" reveals the unity of colleagues challenging a toxic workplace, while "The Bigger Picture" showcases teamwork overcoming clashes in a professional setting, and in the heart of Teltet village, "Secret Witness" unravels as Kulei seeks truth amidst suspicion and treachery.
These tales resonate with themes of the impactful lessons brought by unforeseen circumstances, resilience and unity, that illustrate how understanding, compassion, redemption, teamwork and justice can shape lives and bring about change even in the most challenging circumstances.

Mischek Njiru, Rumona Apiyo and Reuben Wanyama

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KSh 500.00

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